Saturday, July 27, 2013

Is It Really July Already?

Well, actually it's almost August.  Summer has sped by like a freight train and I've embarked on a number of new projects.

But first, my sweet little granddaughter was born June 21st.  She's an absolute delight and she's keeping her parents on their toes.  I don't envy their sleepless nights, but it sure would be nice to have a little creature around here again.  As a newly minted member of the grandmother posse (there are 4 of us), I hope to get lots of baby time.  It's been thirty seven years since I held my own baby in my arms and I remember how wonderful it was to have a sweet little human being just snuggled up close and smelling like baby powder and simply soaking in all the joys of motherhood.  That is until she started screaming like a banshee and I wanted to lock myself in the bathroom till it stopped.  Luckily for me those moments were few and far between, but as a grandmother I can always hand off the child if she were to get too vocal.  Grandmotherhood does have its perks.

So, for my projects.  The first thing I tried was to make a dragonfly out of paperclay.  Not my most successful of endeavours, but it was my first try and it wasn't awful.  Here she is.

I really enjoyed working with clay though, so my next adventure is to design and construct a BJD, or a ball-jointed doll.  This is a lot more complex and requires a great deal more skill and talent than I think I have, but I'll try.  If it doesn't work out I'll move onto something else, like maybe learning to play the harp :)
The ball-jointed doll escapade was prompted by finding some incredible dolls on the internet and saying to myself, "Hey, why not do that?  How hard can it be?"  Here's one of the photos that piqued my interest. 
She is by a Russian dollmaker by the name of Ira-Deneiko.  She is amazing.  Her ball-jointed dolls are so lifelike and ethereal at the same time.
Then, there's  Marina Bychkova is the artist and her work is amazing.  Take a look for yourself.
Costumed Dolls
 So, as you can see, I have my work cut out for me.  You might not hear from me for awhile.  It just means I am either babysitting (I hope) or trying to perfect the ball-jointed doll.  Failing that, if you hear strains of harp music........

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